Thursday, December 6, 2018

@oebconference workshop notes and documents #instructionalDesign #learningTools

After being physically out of the learning circuit for about a year and a half, it is really nice to get active again. And what better venue to rekindle professional interests than at Online Educa Berlin.

Yesterday I lead a workshop on using an ID instrument I call the Instructional Design Variation matrix (IDVmatrix). It is an instrument to reflect on the learning architecture (including tools and approaches) that you are currently using, to see whether these tools enable you to build a more contextualized or standardized type of learning (the list organises learning tools according to 5 parameters: informal - formal, simple - complex, free - expensive, standardized to contextualized, and more aimed at individual learning - social learning). The documents of the workshop can be seen here.

The workshop started of with an activity called 'winning a workshop survival bag', where the attendees could win a bag with cookies, nuts, and of course the template and lists of the IDVmatrix.
We then proceeded to give a bit of background on the activity, and how it related to the IDVmatrix.
Afterwards focusing on learning cases, and particularly challenges that the participants of the workshop were facing.
And we ended up trying to find solutions for these cases, sharing information, connections, ideas (have a look at this engaging crowd - movie recorded during the session).
The workshop was using elements from location-based learning, networking, mobile learning, machine learning, just-in-time learning, social learning, social media, multimedia, note taking, and a bit of gamification.

It was a wonderful crowd, so everyone went away with ideas. The networking part went very well also due to the icebreaker activity at the beginning. This was the icebreaker:

The WorkShop survival bag challenge!
Four actions, 1 bag for each team!

Action 1
Which person of your group has the longest first name?
Write down that name in the first box below.

Action 2

  • Choose two person prior to this challenge: a person who will record a short (approx. 6 seconds)
  • video with their phone and tweet it, and a person/s who will talk in that video.
  • Record a 6 second video which includes a booth at the OEB exhibition (shown in the
  • background) and during which a person gives a short reason why this particular learning solution
  • (the one represented by the booth) would be of use to that persons learning environment
  • (either personal or professional).
  • Once you have recorded the video, share it on twitter using the following hashtags: #OEB #M5
  • #teamX (with X being the number of your team, e.g. #team1) . This share is necessary to get the
  • next word of your WS survival bag challenge.
  • Once you upload the movie, you will get a response tweet on #OEB #M5 #teamX (again with the
  • number of your team).

Write down the word you received in response to your video in the second box below.

Action 3

  • Go to the room which is shown in the 360° picture in twitter (see #M5 #OEBAllTeams).
  • Find the spot where 5 pages are lined up, each of them with another language sign written on
  • them.
  • Each team has to ‘translate’ the sign assigned to their team. You can use the Google Translateapp for this (see google play, the app is free!).
Write down the translation in the third box below.

Action 4
Say the following words into the Google Home device which is located in the WS room

“OK Google 'say word box 1', say word box 2, say word box 3“

If Google answers, you will get your WS survival bag!

And although the names were not always very English, with a bit of tweaking using the IFTTT app, all the teams were able to get Google home mini to congratulate them for getting all the challenges right. 

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