Saturday, June 23, 2018

CJNG increasing the violence in BC

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

Subject Matter: Baja California, CJNG, Sinaloa Cartel, Cartel Arellano Felix
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

The struggle between the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion allied with the remnants of the Cartel Arellano Felix to wrest criminal control away from the Sinaloa Cartel in Tijuana, has incremented the homicide statistics in Baja California, raising the levels to 8 killings per day and more than 200 per month. Aided by impunity, La Mana accuses the PEP of kidnapping, while the CJNG accuse the Municipal Police of torture, don't fuck with me and I wont fuck with you threatens a sicario.

Reporter: Zeta Investigations
The months of April and March raised the bar to 200 assassinations monthly in Tijuana, the 24 hours between the 12th and 13th of June accumulated 16 victims of violent homicides, the biggest number of executions committed in a day in Baja California so far this year.

Until 8 in the morning on Thursday the 14th of June, the statistics of Baja California in matters of homicide closed with 1343 executions, of which 1077 have been committed in Tijuana, 118 in Ensenada, 75 in Mexicali, 37 in Rosarito and 36 in Tecate.

The Attorney Generals Office of Tijuana, notes the results as following: 212 homicides in Tijuana in April, with 12 persons reported detained for this type of crime, with 15 processed and 17 arrest warrants granted.

In March, with 211 executions, the prosecution managed to consolidate eight captures in flagrante delicto, prosecute 12 alleged murderers and obtain 16 arrest warrants. And with 108 violent deaths in the first 14 days of June, the Common Public Prosecutor's Office counts nine arrests in flagrante delicto, the prosecution of five hit men and eight arrest warrants requested and granted.

On the morning of Monday, June 11, two decapitated male bodies were found in a ravine adjacent to a neighborhood road on the street El Valle colony; June 10, the two heads of the victims had been abandoned inside ice chests against Peluquería and Estheticians Miriam's, in Sánchez Taboada.

The criminals had circulated images of the same bloodied heads in social networks, but inside what looks like a repair shop, where parts of sound equipment are seen, the dead were accompanied by a cartulina with threats from the allies of the Jalisco Cartel Nueva Generación (CJNG) in Tijuana, against former members of its criminal cell.

Edgar Alejandro Herrera Pardo, "El Cabo 8", "El Caimán", Los Cabos Cartel, Cartel Jalisco  Nueva Generación
Also on the 11th and 12th, a person received a phone call and it circulated  among the local Police, allegedly made by Edgar Alejandro Herrera Pardo, alias Sergio Alberto Morelos Mejia "El Zame" and / or "El Caimán", of the CJNG in the state and, according to the organization chart held by the State Security Council, fulfills the orders of the leaders Héctor Manuel Morales Guzmán "El Gallero", Jesús Rafael Yocupicio "El Cabezón" , Jesús Alfonso Trapero Ibarra "Torrentegui Ramos"; , Alejandro Estrad a Bañuelos "El Lic del Diablo" and a subject whom they only identify as " El Padrino "

In both messages the hit man threatened the life of municipal police and elements of the Special Operations Group (GOE). The same thing was done by a group that calls itself "La Maña" on the night of June 9th, but against agents of the State Preventive Police (PEP) who were accused of kidnapping in Rosarito, through a narco manta left behind on a bridge in the Playas de Tijuana delegation.

They kill Ivan Castillo and a stranger in "picadero" in Otay.


This week, the highest profile homicide was committed in the Otay delegation, while the Coordination Group coordinated efforts and concentrated agents in the area detected as having the most homicidal violence: La Presa and Presa Rural.

"We do not know if they orchestrated it so, if they knew where we were, or it was incidental," commented a police chief.

On Saturday, June 9th, the first shooting in Otay was reported at 08:53 am. The first information was that there were three people injured by firearms in a "picadero " located at the intersection of Macedonio Alcalá and Juventino Rosas streets in Colonia Nueva Tijuana, in Module 3. Since the 1980s, the modules have been considered by the authorities an area of ​​total criminal control, first administered by the Arellano Félix Cartel (CAF) and recently by the Sinaloa Mafia

There, Óscar Flores Quevedo, without antecedents, was injured and an unidentified man died and Erika Ivón Castillo Hernández, who had a history of robbery with violence since 2009. The authorities allegedly identified "El Pallín" as the person in charge of the crime, distributor of drug for retail sale in the area.

The weapons used in this double murder were used in the attempted murder against Ramón Beltrán Meza on June 4, 2018, in the Sánchez Taboada delegation.

And in four homicidal operations in Otay: the death of Javier de la Cruz on March 15; the execution of Moisés Orizaba on March 22; that of Armando Caballero and an injured man on April 14; the deaths of Alberto García and Lisandro Jiménez, on April 28; and the murders of Alberto Castañeda and David Martínez on May 18.

Minutes after the attack in El Picadero, the same Saturday, June 9th, at 9:31 am, the C4 issued the second report that in the Bellas Artes Boulevard of the Nueva Tijuana neighborhood, outside the First Cash pawnshop , three people were in a car when they were attacked with bullets. The wounded were said to be Adrián Torres Adriano, without antecedents; Juan Mondragón Guerra, also without criminal records; and Darinka Itzel Garza Arce, arrested and detained for drug possession in 2005, for robbery in her home in 2004 and possession of a knife in 2003.

This woman had tried to carry out a pawn process, however, her name is included in a list of alerts distributed by the authorities with people selling stolen items.

They execute Ramón Alonso Favela López in a fast food restaurant in front of the University.
The victims left the scene almost immediately and, while the PGJE was working at the crime scene, a man who identified himself as Luis Antonio Sotelo Marmolejo was aggressive, claiming to be the owner of the car where the two men and the woman were injured , and demanded the vehicle be handed over to him, the ministerial agents handed it over.

Sotelo Marmolejo is part of a preliminary investigation for damage to property, fraud, theft in a closed place, specific fraud and profiteering.

One of the weapons used in this event was used on March 8th to kill Cristian García Mayorga, an unknown man and to wound Leonardo García Espejo in the Las Torres neighborhood, high up in the same delegation.

To understand these two issues, the Municipal and State Preventive police mobilized personnel in a special way. They were still looking for signs in the vicinity of Industrial City when the third report of an armed attack arrives at 1:32 pm.

This time at Carl's Jr. restaurant in front of the Autonomous University of Baja California. The security cameras revealed that an as-yet-unidentified man, covered with a cap and hooded sweatshirt, entered the premises before the victim, saw when Ramón Alonso Favela López, 59, arrived, domiciled in the Infonavit Presidentes; the victim was talking on the cell phone when the attacker went to him, killed him at point-blank range and fled to the west.

"According to the intelligence work, these attacks go in two directions, but they are the result of the plaza dispute, it is the CJNG trying to overthrow the Sinaloa Cartel in that area, and even in the first two shootings of the wounded and the dead in the 'picadero', where it is presumed that the murderers are hit men who traffic in the same area, are attributed to betrayals, "said a police chief, however, this information is not included in the investigation files.

Neither did the version given by witnesses-unofficially-to the ministerial investigators and that involved Alfredo Heynes Alonso, alias Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Solorio "El Flaco", 45 years old, who according to the Coordination Group, is the operational administrator of the Sinaloa Cartel in Otay; He has been arrested and released as a suspect in homicide in June 2011 and on February 26th, 2018, after the murder of a former police officer identified as an escort by Octavio Leal Hernández, CAF's deputy. On March 17th he was also captured in possession of a .40-caliber firearm with nine useful cartridges, but that has not affected him to continue with his criminal activities.

"In the case of Mr. del Carl's Jr. we are working to see if he has no other identity, and finished running the databases to know if he has a criminal record, if so, then it will be investigated as part of the struggle" they referred from the PGJE.

At the close of this edition, Favela López has no record for crimes in Mexico, however, according to databases in the United States, in that country he was tried twice for drug trafficking, he was captured in Long Beach, California , and in Arizona. In 1989 he was sentenced to five years, and in 1992 he was sentenced to twenty years in prison.

In the same delegation were killed on April 19th, Manuel Godoy Castro "El" Danny ", CAF lieutenant just released, a hooded man killed him while he was exercising in a gym. And on May 4th, at the Concordia cenaduría , the former federal policeman Gyula Haraszti Veera, 50 years old and owner of the company  Haraszti e Hijos , dedicated to the haulage, transportation, transfer and handling of materials. The investigation files of these two murders also do not register advances in the state attorney's office.


Another murder of a different profile was perpetrated in an area that is not considered a high homicide incidence, on Acacias Avenue in the Cubillas subdivision in the Central Zone, reserved for the old guard of the CAF. On the night of May 29th, Sinaloa's Eduardo López Ávila, 47, who was based in Jalisco, was murdered.

They used two weapons, a caliber .40 and another caliber .45, the experts located around ten bullet holes in the glass of the windshield, right in front of the driver. "The relatives who came to claim the body said they came from Jalisco and did not want to say anything, nor asked to investigate or clarify anything, they were not even able to say when López de Jalisco had left, or when he had arrived in Tijuana, nor the reasons for the trip, "explained a researcher from the Coordination Group.

In this case, the authorities continue working to verify if the deceased had no other identity, so far, they did not have a history in Mexico or the United States.

On June 6th, on the Sonora Avenue of the Chapultepec subdivision, outside the MOB bar in Plaza San Ángel , four armed men were reported.

According to the police report, when they saw the uniformed men, the men threw the four weapons at a gardener from where they recovered a .223 caliber rifle, a .38 caliber pistol and two 9-mm caliber.

The Municipal Public Security Secretariat of Tijuana presented the report of the capture of Adalberto, Jesús, Francisco and Alejandro "N" as members of the CAF and, according to intelligence data, alleged servers of Pablo Edwin Huerta Nuño " El Flaquito ".

The young people were free, since in the first federal investigations they determined that they had been captured inside the bar and not in the parking lot, as the agents showed in the Homologated Police Report (IPH). However, the federal Public Prosecutor's Office assures that the case continues to be processed.

After reviewing the background of the detainees, it turned out that: Adalberto Medina Navarro had already been arrested for a criminal offense in 2016 and was granted an indirect injunction; Francisco Javier Badilla Medina was tried in 2010 in the District of California for narcotics trafficking; while Alberto Guerra and Alejandro Alvarado do not have a criminal record.


Regarding the identity of the three men located beheaded this week, until Thursday, June 14th, the state prosecutor's office still did not determine identities, although it confirmed that the bodies found in the El Valle neighborhood on June 11th corresponded to the heads located a day before in front of a hairdresser in Sanchez Taboada.

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